Lunch Menu
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Peanut Soupe $9.5c, $12.5b
TAKE clear butter onions shred fine carrots and celery, stew them with your peanuts...when they are enough pass through a sieve...send to take with cream whipped to stand having pepper and nutmeg beat fine...
A Kings Arms Tradition
Soup Another Way $9.5c, $12.5b
Proper rules to be observed in making Soups and Broths
In the first place, take great care that your soup-pots and covers are kept very clean inside and out...Lastly, for all brown and white soups cut the crust of a French roll in round or square pieces, and crisp them before the fire
The Art of English Cookery, Richard Briggs, 1788
To make a fine Sallet $13
are commonly made of Lettuces of any sort all pick’d and wash’d; some candied nuts and pippins as you please...these are eaten with Spanish vinegar dressing poured over and is very good with cheese.
A Kings Arms original, inspired by; The Cook’s and Confectioner’s Dictionary, John Knott, 1723
Crab Croquettes $18
TAKE some great flakes of the crab according to the quantity to be made and some bread, pepper and salt, sweet herbs shred fine. Mix in some eggs, shape the farce like small egg and roll in fine crumb of a penny loaf…set on a frying pan full of lard, it must be boiling hot.
(Inspired by; The Lady’s Assistant, Charlotte Mason, 1777)
To Serve Good Hams $18
RUB with sugar and let it lie till night...then rub salt peter beat fine a pound of common salt and lie three weeks... dry with wood smoke... Sent to table with cheese, good chutney and bread toasted on the grid iron
Inspired by; The Lady’s Assistant, Charlotte Mason, 1777
To Stew Black Eye Peas $13
SOAK your cow pea’s and put them in your pot with sweet herbs, a young onion and spring water When they are enough add tomatoes, roasted squash and hearty greens...put in your dish with pumpkin seeds fry’d and seasoned with pepper beat fine and salt to your taste
A Kings Arms Original, Ivey Boyd, 2023
Made Dishes
All dishes are sent to table with garden offerings dressed in the appropriate manner
To Stew a Choat in the French Way $23
When your pork shanks are brown, place in a stew pan with claret, thyme, marjoram, savory, rosemary, pepper and mace
Martha Washington Cookbook – origin prior to 1759
Chicken Hash $21.50
TAKE a chicken and stew it in good broth with onion, sweet herbs and parsley…thicken with butter and some flour… served on trenchers
Miss Dandridge’s Recipe, 1753
Stewed Beef $29.50
stewed over a gentle fire up to four hours; then take out your beef, strain the gravy adding field mushrooms thickened and poured over your beef. Garnish with horseradish.
The London Art of Cookery – John Farley, 1787
Salmagundi $19
A popular eighteenth century “supper” dish is known as a chef’s salad in America today.Garden greens, VA Ham, chicken breast, cheese, eggs and fresh vegetables.
A Colonial Williamsburg Favorite Dish
An Onion Pye $19
PARE some potatoes…apples…onions and slice them…make a good crust. Lay in a layer of potatoes, a layer of onion a layer of apple and a layer of eggs until you have filled your pie, strewing seasoning between each layer.Close your pye and bake it an hour and a half.
The Kitchen Garden Display’d – Dr. Lobb’s, 1767