In a day and age, before modern radios, cell phones, and satellite communication, Fifers and Drummers of the American Revolutionary War were a vital part of military communications. From sunrise to lights out, fifers and drummers regulated military functions and were essential for nearly all facets of colonial military service. Join the Colonial Williamsburg Fifes & Drums as they give an in-depth demonstration of the musical tasks and ceremonies that fifers and drummers perform throughout a soldier's day.

Other Experiences
Music: Fife & Drum March
The Colonial Williamsburg Fifes and Drums, representing military field musicians, march down Duke of Gloucester Street.
Open to the Public
Tour: Favorite Family Pets
Join us on a family-friendly tour as we explore the galleries for animals of all shapes and sizes.
Open to the Public
Treble Choral Evensong
Enjoy a concert in this 350-year-old worship center presented by youth choirs from Christ & St. Luke's Episcopal Church, St. Bede Catholic Church, and All Saints Episcopal Church.
Open to the Public