Lose yourself in the Spirit of ’76! Hear the stirring sounds of Revolutionary War field music, courtesy of the Colonial Williamsburg Fifes and Drums. Join the corps as they march down Duke of Gloucester Street.
Other Experiences
Performance: Visit with Martha Washington
Step into the past with Martha Washington, our Nation’s first First Lady. Through stories and questions, explore the hopes, choices, and challenges she faced.
CW Admission
All Things are Possible
On September 5, 1791, Robert Carter III recorded an extraordinary document. Why did the largest slaveholder in Virginia do what most of his peers consider impossible?
CW Admission
Street Theater: 1775, Spark of Rebellion
April 21, 1775. Last night, at 3am, the gunpowder was removed from the Magazine. Join the Williamsburg community as they decide how to respond to being left defenseless.
Open to the Public