"Virginians will dance or die," wrote an 18th-century diarist. What better time than the 21st century to learn a few "new" dance steps? Prepare to experience one of the favorite pastimes of colonial Virginians. The dancers will discuss various types of 18th-century dances, from country dances to minuets, and demonstrate them for the audience. At various intervals throughout the program, you will be asked if you wish to participate in the fun.
Parking near the Historic Area is recommended. If you plan to park at the Colonial Williamsburg Visitor Center, please check the bus schedule.
Other Experiences
Presentation: Midwinter Stories
Celebrate American Indian life and culture through stories and traditions.
CW Admission
Performance: Visit with Marquis de Lafayette
Step into the past with the Marquis de Lafayette, French hero of two worlds. Through stories and questions, explore the hopes, choices, and challenges he faced.
CW Admission
Student Violin Recital
Enjoy a student violin recital in this beautiful 350-year-old worship space. Presented by the Violin Studio of Loretta McCray from Richmond, Virginia.
Open to the Public