Ornamental Separator

A Parent’s Guide to Weekly Visits

Looking for family activity ideas in Williamsburg? If you have the colonial capital in your backyard, why not visit each week? Use your Good Neighbor or Annual Pass to get your family thinking and exploring this summer with themes!

We’re sharing a little pre- and post-visit reading, watching and interaction to keep the kids busy in between each themed visit! There’s no right order, so skip around and make up your own. (Pro tip: a rainy or extra hot week is prime for Week 5 exploration at the Art Museums). Visiting for just a week? Pick two or three topics to focus on, or let each child pick an area of interest!

Week 1: Marvel at British Grandeur

Week 2: Meet Nation Builders

Week 3: Focus on Often Untold Stories

Week 4: Natural Questions

Week 5: Get Artsy

Week 6: Examine Evidence

Week 7: Explore Historic Trades

Week 8: Discover Rare Breed Animals

  • Pre-visit Research: Learn about how we cared for our animals during our temporary closure and about some new additions who joined our four-legged families this Spring in this blog post.
  • Visit: Sheep, chickens, oxen, and horses you see at pasture and behind the Wythe House. Be sure to stop and talk to our coachmen about our horses as you walk Duke of Gloucester Street!
  • Virtual Follow-up: Learn more about horses in the 18th-century and today with Marquis de Lafayette interpreter Mark Schneider in his video series “Travel & Transportation.”

With these resources, 100% digital ticketing, 301 acres to explore, and more we have your #SummerSolved.

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