It is 1775 in Williamsburg. The Royal Governor orders the removal of the gunpowder from the magazine, lighting the fuse for war in Virginia. Participate in the moment the Revolution arrives.
Other Experiences
Evening Program: Dancing at the Governor's Palace
"Virginians will dance or die" wrote an 18th-century diarist. What better time than the 21st century to learn a few "new" dance steps? Audience participation encouraged.
Open to the Public
Event Ticket
Music: The Art of Fifing & Drumming
Join the Colonial Williamsburg Fifes & Drums as they demonstrate the many musical tasks and ceremonies that occurred throughout a revolutionary soldier's day.
Open to the Public
A Good Shot of BrassWind
Good Shot Judy & BrassWind finally tag-team for an unforgettable night of the finest musicianship Hampton Roads has to offer! The Class & Brass of BW: The Swing & Swagger of GSJ.
Open to the Public
Event Ticket