Step into the past with George Wythe, teacher, lawyer, judge, and revolutionary. Through stories and questions, explore the hopes, choices, and challenges he faced.
Other Experiences
Performance: Visit with Martha Washington
Step into the past with Martha Washington, our Nation’s first First Lady. Through stories and questions, explore the hopes, choices, and challenges she faced.
CW Admission
Special Event: 1775 Gunpowder Plot
It is 1775 in Williamsburg. The Governor orders the removal of the gunpowder from the magazine, lighting the fuse for war in Virginia. Participate in the arrival of the Revolution.
Open to the Public
Music: Gaming, the Worst Diversion
Discover the popular songs hidden within an 18th-century board game about courtship, and help the Governor's Musick compose new harpsichord music using dice!
CW Admission