There's a song in the air and a tune floating along on the breeze. Williamsburg in the 18th century was a town filled with music of all sorts. Join members of the Jug Broke Theatre Company as we celebrate the season and play and talk about the stories behind some of our favorite music of the Revolutionary Era.
Other Experiences
Music: Fife & Drum March
The Colonial Williamsburg Fifes and Drums, representing military field musicians, march down Duke of Gloucester Street.
Open to the Public
Music: Governor's Musick at the Art Museums
Learn how the evolving and bombastic battle sonata helped shape an American musical identity separate from Britain.
CW Admission
Performance: Visit with Ann Wager
Step into the past with Ann Wager, Educator of free and enslaved children. Through stories and questions, explore the hopes, choices, and challenges she faced.
CW Admission