In a tale spanning 250 years, come learn about the Williamsburg Bray School, the oldest existing building dedicated to the education of Black children in the United States. One small rat has a big story to tell us in this lively story that's fun for the whole family.
Other Experiences
Hands-On: The Art-full Tree
Explore the Art Museums of Colonial Williamsburg and discover the Folk Art Christmas Tree, then make your way to the Goode Education Studio and create an ornament to take home.
Art Museums Admission
Holiday Choral Concert: Bruton Parish Choirs & Orchestra
Join us as the Bruton Parish Choirs & Orchestra, directed by Rebecca Davy, present a holiday choral concert.
Open to the Public
Holiday Choral Concert - One Accord Choir
Enjoy the blended voices of One Accord Choir from First Baptist Church in Richmond, Virginia, directed by Philip Mitchell, as they present a holiday concert.
Open to the Public