How can music improve your life? For Nancy Geddy, learning to play the spinet gave her an education not afforded to many of her peers. In 1768, a secret admirer wrote into the Virginia Gazette dedicated to Geddy and praising her playing. Join the Governor's Musick ensemble as they perform selected composers' works mentioned in this mysterious poem and how learning a musical instrument gave Geddy a chance to advance in society.
Other Experiences
Presentation: Good Stories about Great Stuff
Join a curator, conservator, educator, archaeologist, or historian to discover who created an object, who owned it, and how it ended up in the Colonial Williamsburg Collection.
Open to the Public
Organ Recital - Grant Holcomb
Come and see this beautiful 350-year-old worship space and experience a candlelit recital by Grant Holcomb, organist from River Road Presbyterian Church in Richmond, Virginia.
Open to the Public
Historic Organ Recital - Norman Elton
Norman Elton, organist at Williamsburg Presbyterian Church, gives a recital on the Historic English Chamber Organ, one of Colonial Williamsburg's 18th-century instruments.
Open to the Public