You decide! Is Grace Sherwood a witch? Question witnesses. Weigh evidence. Finally, cast your vote for the guilt or innocence of “the Virginia Witch.” Not appropriate for young children due to subject matter and intense emotion.
Parking near the Historic Area is recommended. If you plan to park at the Colonial Williamsburg Visitor Center, please check the bus schedule.
Other Experiences
Special Event: Salute to the Presidents
The pageantry of fifes, drums, cannon, and remarks from Colonial Williamsburg Nation Builders salute our nation’s Presidents on Market Square.
Open to the Public
Performance: Visit with Marquis de Lafayette
Step into the past with the Marquis de Lafayette, French hero of two worlds. Through stories and questions, explore the hopes, choices, and challenges he faced.
CW Admission
Performance: What Goes Up
Take flight with the first passengers in a hot air balloon in 1783!
CW Admission