Enjoy a choral evensong presented by the Bruton Choirs, directed by Rebecca Davy and accompanied by organist JanEl Will.
Parking near the Historic Area is recommended. If you plan to park at the Colonial Williamsburg Visitor Center, please check the bus schedule.
Other Experiences
Performance: Nation Builders Discuss Slavery
Join two Nation Builders to discuss how they viewed the complicated tragedy that was the institution of slavery.
CW Admission
Organ & Harpsichord Recital - Rebecca Davy
Music director and organist Rebecca Davy presents a program of both harpsichord and organ music in this 350-year-old historic worship space.
Open to the Public
Organ Recital - Dr. JanEl Will
Enjoy a candlelit recital by Dr. JanEl Will, organist at Bruton Parish Church.
Open to the Public